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Our glorious home, this planet earth,
could it be on the verge of destruction?
Ready to expire from lack of caring? 
Could it be true, this dire prediction 
that, through our own neglect and misuse,
we may create our own extinction?


For the eons it took for earth to flower,
to bloom with  every form of life, 
era after violent era, earth prevailed.
Vitality and variety of species was rife.
So how, after this miraculous birth,
could we leave our only home in strife?


Plastic islands endanger sea life and birds 
while Earthlings wear masks in smoggy air.
Litter litters our highways and byways,
and tornadoes break out everywhere.
Forest fires and landslides abound 
leaving folks in shock and dispair.


Ignoring scientists’ knowledge and skill,
global warming deniers worship the dollar sign
and delay healing, helping measures.
But, there is hope available, a lifeline
for our home. There’d be no need for sadness 
if only mankind would grow a spine!


The News

Our country’s rapidly falling apart.
We can no longer talk to each other,
and are resigned to dispair and prayer.


POTUS insults from his bully pulpit
or by tweet daily.  I am reminded
of some of my third graders, I swear.


Many of those “very good men and women” 
he chose to help lead our government 
are now serving time or are heading there.


Long time, trusted allies are rebuffed 
while HE cozies up to our adversaries. 
His ignorance brings us closer to warfare.


We’re deluged with distressing news daily
so, in need of some giggles and smiles,
I now get my news from
Stephen Colbert!



© 2019 Mary's Meanderings  by Mary Nemeth, Cincinnati, Ohio USA

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